Measuring Emissions and Socioeconomic Benefits of CARB's Incentives & Regulatory Programs

Principle Investigator: Debapriya Chakraborty
Co-principle investigator: Gil Tal

Project Partners: University of California, Berkeley, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment

Project Funder: The California Air Resources Board

To meet California’s ambitious climate targets, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) has been implementing a mix of policy approaches, including technology forcing measures like the zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) mandate, incentives, consumer education, and infrastructure investment. The complementary nature of these policies as well as other programs administered by other state and federal agencies has the benefit of inducing further greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions and advancing environmental justice in California’s underserved communities and concurrently addresses multiple environmental and social goals. CARB is seeking to better understand the various qualitative and quantitative benefits of the State’s policy portfolio which include GHG and criteria reductions, environmental justice and community health benefits, and a range of other socioeconomic benefits.

The aim of this project is to review and evaluate the effectiveness of CARB's complementary policies in encouraging changes in consumer behavior, advancing social equity, and achieving emissions reductions. Specifically, CARB's regulatory programs and incentives programs such as the Clean Vehicle Rebate Project and the Clean Cars 4 All, will be analyzed. The project will determine the direct and indirect impacts of CARB's complementary policy approach to ultimately encourage changes in consumer and supply-side behavior. 

Project Status
In Progress
Project Dates

Project Type