To view a full list of publications, please visit the Institute of Transportation Studies Publication page.
Quantifying the Costs of Charger Availability Uncertainty for Residents of Multi-Unit Dwellings ( (April 2024)
Assessing the Total Cost of Ownership of Electric Vehicles among California Households ( (April 2024)
Who decides which trucks to buy? Implications for electrifying freight fleets - ScienceDirect (Jan. 2024)
Social, technological, and economic barriers to heavy-duty truck electrification - ScienceDirect (Dec. 2023)
Do plug-in hybrid adopters switch to battery electric vehicles (and vice versa)? - ScienceDirect (June 2023)
Implications of Global Electric Vehicle Adoption Targets for the Light Duty Auto Industry in Mexico (April 2023)
Exploring Tools for Maximizing the Potential for Electrified Transit Buses in Mexico (April 2023)
Patterns of Electric Vehicle Charging on Transportation Network Companies in the US (Mar 2023)
The costs and challenges of installing corridor DC Fast Chargers in California (Mar 2023)