Position Title
Research Environmental Psychologist, Consumer Energy Interfaces Lab
Angela Sanguinetti is a Research Environmental Psychologist at the UC Davis Institute of Transport Studies and Energy & Efficiency Institute. She earned a B.S. and M.S. in Psychology with an emphasis in Behavior Analysis from CSU Stanislaus, and a Ph.D. in Planning, Policy and Design with an emphasis in Design-Behavior Research from UC Irvine’s School of Social Ecology in 2013. Angela’s research interests center on how the design of the built environment, including our neighborhoods, homes, and vehicles, impacts our behavior and well-being. She directs the Consumer Energy Interfaces Lab (cEnergi.ucdavis.edu), which focuses on the topic of eco-feedback–interfaces that provide information about natural resource use (e.g., energy feedback) to consumers with the aim of promoting more resource-responsible behavior. Dr. Sanguinetti is also Director of the Cohousing Research Network, which seeks to increase the rigor and reach of research on collaborative neighborhoods. At UC Davis since 2014, she has worked on over 30 research grants and authored over 50 peer-reviewed publications.